Nimrod MRA4 Aircraft |
Nimrod MRA4 Aircraft is expected to start entering service with the RAF in 2007 and a total of 18 aircraft will replace the present MR2, which first entered service in the early 1980s. Although the
MRA4 Aircraft looks similar to the MR2, only the basic fuselage shell is shared between the two aircraft and the
MRA4 will have completely new systems and a new, longer wing carrying advanced Rolls-Royce Deutschland (RRD) BR710 turbofan engines. The engines are 30% more fuel-efficient and 25% more powerful than the Rolls-Royce Spey 250 engines they replace. The aircraft’s maximum weight has increased from around 87 tonnes to approximately 104 tonnes and it can fly for longer periods than its predecessor with a bigger payload in both weapons and sensors.
The Nimrod MRA4 will have a multi-tasking role, which will include its main roles of anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface unit warfare, maritime reconnaissance and search and rescue but, in addition, it will be used in law enforcement tasks including anti-smuggling and anti-gun-running operations, fisheries protection and counter-terrorism duties.
The MRA4 operating crew will consist of two pilots and eight mission crew members operating new stateof- the-art radar, electronic and acoustic sensor systems. The new flight deck is an all-glass cockpit, which incorporates many of the systems, displays and integrated avionics developed for the Airbus series of civil airliners. There are a total of seven liquid-crystal, full colour displays - the seventh display presents tactical information fed from the sensor bays for use by the pilots. The aircraft navigation system incorporates an interfaced navigation computer and flight management computer, which automatically controls the aircraft using a laser inertial navigation system and two global-positioning systems.
Nimrod MRA4 |
The heart of the mission system is the entirely new Tactical Command System, which is based around the seven reconfigurable, high-resolution, multi-function colour display workstations used by the mission crew, plus the pilots’ tactical display. The primary sensor will be the Thales Searchwater 2000MR multi-mode search radar. This is a new, extremely high-performance radar designed for all-weather operation and optimised to have a high probability of tracking small targets in poor weather. It can automatically track over 100 surface contacts and can use a pulse-doppler mode for air contacts. Other sensors include electronic support measures, an acoustic detection system, magnetic anomaly detection equipment and an electro-optical surveillance and detection system. A new defensive-aids system will include a radar warning receiver, a missile approach receiver and integral chaff/flare dispensers.
Nimrod MRA4 Aircraft Anti Unit Warfare |
The Nimrod MRA4 will carry an extensive range of weapons both underwing and in the weapons bay. The range will include Harpoon anti-ship missiles, Sting Ray torpedos, mines and over 150 sonobuoys. Weapons management will be conducted via a stores management system, which carries out inventory tracking control, air-to-air and air-to-sea weapon control, and built-in test and fault diagnostic systems. Nimrod MRA4 Aircraft is Only jet-powered maritime patrol aircraft in military service. Roles are anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare and search and rescue. Endurance of 15 hours, which can be extended by air refuelling. Crew of 10, which includes ‘wet’ and ‘dry’ sensor coordination teams. Completely new integrated Tactical Command Mission Control System. Weapons include Sting Ray torpedos, Harpoon anti ship missiles and mines.
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