Sunday, April 1, 2012

BAE 146 CC2 VVIP Transport Aircraft

BAE 146 CC2 Aircraft
The BAE 146 CC2 Aircraft is operated by No 32 (The Royal) Squadron, at RAF Northolt. The Squadron operates two BAE 146s in the Royal or VVIP transport and communication roles. The standard operating crew for each aircraft consists of two pilots, two cabin crew and a ground engineer. The BAE 146 CC2 is an all-metal, high-wing monoplane, with a wide-bodied fuselage and a slightly swept, anhedral wing. The fin is also slightly swept with a high T-tail. Ailerons and elevators are controlled through conventional wire-linked servo tabs, whereas the rudder is hydraulically operated.

The secondary flight-controls are hydraulically powered and include a large airbrake on the rear fuselage, and single slotted flaps and lift spoilers on the upper wing. The aircraft is powered by four Avco Lycoming ALF502R-5 turbofans that have a 6:1 bypass ratio. Numbers one and four engines supply the aircraft’s electrical power, while numbers two and three engines drive the aircraft’s hydraulic pumps. The aircraft has a trailing-axle main gear with a large damper unit, which allows the aircraft to operate from unprepared surfaces, including gravel and desert runways. The aircraft’s excellent performance provides good short-field capability and allows it to operate from airfields located at up to 14,000ft above sea level. The aircraft is based on the civilian BAE 146 100 Series, but has additional fuel tanks and a Royal Suite cabin-fit; and the modern, electronic defensiveaids suite gives almost 360º protection against Infrared missiles.

BAE 146 CC2 VVIP Transport Aircraft
 The BAE 146 CC2 is fitted with three passenger compartments. Compartment A is situated at the front of the aircraft and accommodates the crew. Compartment B, in the centre of the fuselage, accommodates additional crew and extra passengers. Compartment C is situated at the rear of the aircraft and accommodates Royal or VVIP passengers. The layout of the compartments can be varied to meet task requirements, but the maximum seating capacity is 30 passengers.

The BAE 146 Aircraft is a quiet, but rugged aircraft, with a high level of built-in redundancy. It can carry many of its own spares, allowing it to operate for long periods away from base, with little or no external support. The aircraft’s excellent short-field performance, and its ability to operate from high or unprepared airfields in missile threat areas, mean that the aircraft is extremely versatile. BAE 146 CC2 Aircraft is operated in the Royal or VVIP transport and communication roles. Wide-bodied aircraft, equipped to promote space and comfort. A strong, rugged aircraft, able to operate from unprepared sites. Four high-bypass ratio turbofans, enabling short-field performance and quiet operation. Fitted with a defensive-aids suite to combat Infrared missile threats.

BAE 146 CC2 Aircraft


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