TNI Commander describes the process of purchasing defense equipment was carried out in II year strategic plan 2010-2014. Meanwhile, Commander of the explanation is related to the question among members of Commission I of the House regarding the plan to the Air Force buy the Super Tucano aircraft to be placed in the squadron of 14 Madison and the Navy plans to buy fast patrol boats. "The TNI AU has proposed budget and its support for the purchase of as many as 16 units to one squadron," he said.
Related efforts to empower strategic industry for national defense, according to the TNI chief, the institute also plans to involve or PT Dirgantara Indonesia cooperation in various matters relating to training, guarantee the availability of spare parts, the percentage of local content and technology transfer.
About the purchase of fast patrol boats, the TNI chief said that according to II-year strategic plan 2010-2014, the Navy has budgeted the purchase of Quick Ship Missile trimaran with a length of 60 meters and Fast Ship Missiles along 40 meters. "Both are products of private industry nationwide," said Commander of the TNI.
In a meeting led by Chairman of Commission I Aziz Stamboel (FPKS), was also attended by Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro, the TNI chief of staff and Deputy Defense Minister Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin.

North Sea Boats X3K Trimaran
Dimensions :
Length (over all) : 55 meter
Beam : 16 meter
Draught : 2 meter
Main engine : 4 x C32 Caterpillar
Max speed : 40 Knots
Range : 2000 nm
Displacement : 130 tons
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