Indonesia Navy (TNI-AL)

Finally, Indonesia can produce manifold warship Landing Platform Dock (LPD) alone. PT PAL Indonesia has succeeded in making warship KRI Banjarmasin called 592.
Banjarmasin KRI-592 is the third ship of the planned four new ships that will strengthen the LPD type Fleet Navy warship. Two LPD ships that have strengthened the Navy before the KRI Makassar-590 and KRI Surabaya-591. Both are made by PT Daewoo International Corporation, South Korea, and handed over to the Navy in 2008.
Director of PT PAL Indonesia, Harsusanto say, actually four warships are all booked to Daewoo. However, PT PAL to get the sub and was trusted to produce two units. Director of PT PAL Indonesia, Harsusanto say, actually four warships are all booked to Daewoo. However, PT PAL to get the sub and was trusted to produce two units.
"After the KRI-592 so this Banjarmasin, South Korean party to admit it. In design and technology, this is pure PT PAL and was recognized by PT Daewoo," said Harsusanto, when met at the sidelines of the inauguration of the ship, Saturday, November 28, 2009.
Warship made by PT PAL Indonesia has a higher quality than the two ships built in South Korea.
Completion is tailored to the operational needs of the Navy. Excess KRI 592 Banjarmasin one of them is able to load more helicopters, from three to five helicopters.
In addition, the ship speed is also higher than the South Korean-made warships, namely from 15 knots to 15.4 knots.
Another advantage possessed Banjarmasin KRI 592 is a form of building on a more "stealth design" that can reduce the 'radar cross section' so it is not easily captured opponent's radar.
"Vibration ship is also very low so that adds comfort in a cruise ship crew."
KRI Development 592 independently Banjarmasin, PT PAL gain advantage of technology transfer. Therefore, the first warship artificial RI has special anti-radar technology opponent.
Technical Data Landing Platform Dock 125m - KRI BANJARMASIN - 592
• Length Over All = 125 M
• Length Between Perpendicular = 109.2 M
• Breath = 22.0 M
• Depth (Tank Deck) / Truck Deck = 6.7 M / 11.3 M
• Draft: Max = 4.9 M
• Displacement = 7300 Tons
• Maximum Speed = 15 Knots
• Endurance days = 30 days
• Cruisning Range = 10,000 Miles
• Max Embarcation = 344 persons (Crew 126; Troops 218)
• Helicopter = 5 units
• LCVP = 2 units
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