
Friday, June 10, 2011

Asutralian Army Doctrine Visi And Mission

Australian Army

Australian national military strategic and military doctrine documents are produced by a number of entities, including the Department of Defence, its armed services, including branches of those services such as the Royal Australian Air Force’s Airpower Development Centre, the Army’s Land Warfare Studies Centre,
and the Royal Australian Navy’s Seapower Centre. These documents will reflect experience gleaned from Australia’s remarkable history of military operations,2 along with ongoing operations in areas as diverse as Afghanistan and East Timor, and review future security threats that may require committing Australian military
forces in order to defeat these threats. Australian military doctrine documents will reflect joint national military perspectives and the perspectives of individual branches of its armed services.

Australia Army
One document to initially consult is the 2000 Defence White Paper, Defence 2000: Our Future Defence Force. Prepared by the Conservative Coalition Government of Prime Minister John Howard, who was in power from 1996–2007, this document stresses that it was compiled by extensive governmental, military, and public consultation and that its goal is to explain Australian defense and strategic policies to Australia’s allies
and neighbors in the hope of promoting greater understanding of Australian security interests and preventing misunderstandings.

 Each of Australia’s individual armed services also produces resources on the military doctrine of their respective branches, including the text of doctrine documents as well as discussion and analysis of these resources. The Royal Australian Air Force’s (RAAF) Air Power Development Centre ( /airpower/) has a number of useful resources. These include the four keystone documents of Australian airpower doctrine:

1• AAP 1000D Air Power Manual (2007), which stresses the role of air and space power in
Australian national security;

2• AAP 1000F Future Air and Space Operating Concept (2007), which emphasizes the roles
played by command and control, information superiority and support, and force application
and sustainment in national aerospace operations;

3• AAP 1000H Australian Experience of Air Power (2007), which reviews the historical development
of Australian military air power; and

4• AAP 1003 Operations Law for RAAF Commanders (2004), which covers topics such as the legal division between airspace and oceans, aerial targeting law, adhering to and enforcing the law of armed confl ict, and the legal role of deception in armed confl ict.

Australia Air Force

 The Airpower Development Centre Web site  also features papers such as Putting Space into RAAF Aerospace Power Doctrine (2003), working papers such as Operational Level Doctrine: Planning an Air Campaign (1993), and the text of selected other publications.

The Royal Australian Navy’s Seapower Centre Australia ( /spc / ) serves as the agency responsible for developing Australian maritime power and Australian naval doctrine and incorporating that doctrine into Australian joint military strategy.5 Publications here include the keystone information resource, Australian Maritime Doctrine RAN Doctrine 1 (2000), whose contents include the political, economic, and social factors affecting Australia’s maritime environment relationships; the origins of maritime strategic thought and how it affects current and future maritime strategic concepts; the operational relationship between air, land, and sea forces; and characteristics of maritime organization and campaigning.

Australia Navy

These include Occasional Series publications such as City Without Joy: Urban Military Operations in the 21st Century (2007) and the Monograph Series, which includes The Personnel Dimension of ADF Capability:
Future Vulnerability or Strength? (2004), and the Australian Strategic Policy Institute ( / ), whose pertinent publications include ADF Capability Review: Royal Australian Air Force (2008) and Asian Military Trends and Their Implications for Australia (2008), and Australian National University’s Strategicand Defence Studies Centre ( /sdsc /).

All of these resources demonstrate that Australia is a model of transparency in providing information about national military strategy and doctrine and the doctrine of its individual armed services.

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